Portugal INCoDe.2030




The person in charge of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS), Sandra Pinto, describes the recording experience at the FCCN Studio, detailing the context in which the recordings were made.

  What scope do the recordings fall into?

Our work at the FCCN Studio is part of “+Negócios -Desperdício” project, an IPS/IPStartup project financed by the Environmental Fund, within the scope of the “Sustainable Production and Consumption” competition. The project includes an annual competition for ideas for creating value from residues/waste from small and medium-sized companies in the Setúbal Peninsula, Alentejo Litoral and Vendas Novas. In this sense, companies launch challenges, and IPS teams of students, teachers and researchers propose ideas to solve them and then work on these ideas, namely within the scope of their curricular units. In the end, the potential of these ideas is evaluated, for implementation in companies, or even for their own transformation into new businesses.

The MOOC we recorded at the FCCN Studio is composed of multiple modules that present the competition and the subjects it relates to, all related to Circular Economy. This course will then be online, on the ideas competition website, among others, serving as support to the different stakeholders, both in this pilot edition and in future editions.

Which reason led to the choice of FCCN studio?

One of our team members had already made some recordings of classes at the FCCN Unit and suggested that we also record this MOOC there, taking advantage of the resources made available under the Educast project, to which IPS joined. Based on this idea, we did a more in-depth analysis of the videos available and realized they had the quality we were looking for. And they even inspired us a lot.

And how do you describe the user experience?

It was the first time that most of the team recorded in the studio and it was a very positive experience that everyone intends to repeat in the future. We especially appreciated the tireless support we received from the FCCN team and the flexibility and availability to help us ensure that we met the tight schedule we had for our project. Especially, given the pandemic period we have been living. We recommend the experience to anyone who wants to record high quality videos for online availability. At FCCN, you can count on a team of excellent and highly dedicated professionals who will help ensure the success of our projects.