“Ubbu-Aprende a Programar” was recently awarded the seal “uma ação INCoDe.2030” and aims to respond to the social problems of digital exclusion, school failure and dropout and youth unemployment, through the training of teachers and teaching of Science and Programming, to students of the 1st and 2nd cycles of basic education.
It also intends to promote digital literacy and contribute to the development in students of essential skills for the job market, through new learning methods and new themes, such as logical reasoning, programming concepts such as algorithms, block programming projects, among others.
Classes also include other topics in the STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) and content based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which address issues of citizenship and sustainability and how technology can play an important role in their resolution.
More informations, here.
Find out more about new seals and about applications at: https://www.incode2030.gov.pt/