Portugal INCoDe.2030



CPED already has around 50 members and brings together entities from all walks of life.

At the “Digital Employability Workshop”, held by INCoDe.2030, on December 7, Coligação Portuguesa para a Empregabilidade (CPED) was presented and it was announced that the conditions were met to proceed with the Study for Digital Employability. This study will be instrumental in identifying the professions (non-ICT) and the digital skills necessary to exercise them in view of the market demands already in perspective. The event was also attended by several members of the CPED and the Secretary of State for Digital Transition, André de Aragão Azevedo.

“INCoDe.2030 was exactly the right place to promote and boost this entire network. It is important to highlight the diversity of entities that come together and that recognize the role that digital employability has as a factor of competitiveness in our country. According to the Economy and Society Digitality Index, human capital continues to be our main challenge, we know that 48% of Portuguese people do not have the basic skills. In 2019, 23% of Portuguese had never used the internet. Therefore, not being part of this project is being left behind”,, reforça André de Aragão Azevedo.

Luísa Ribeiro Lopes, General Coordinator of INCoDe.2030, made a brief presentation of the CPED and also reinforced the program’s mission:“We try to make the Portuguese population more capable in digital terms, doing it from education, qualification, inclusion and advanced training. Digital skills are essential for the full exercise of citizenship, they act as a facilitator of employability by responding to the demands of the growing digitization of the labor market. A more qualified working population gives rise to new forms of work, new professions, innovative markets and products. It is up to us to qualify and requalify the active and unemployed population to reach the threshold of full employment”.

This workshop served to set the debate between the entities involved and also for the presentation of the “Study for Digital Employability” under preparation, by António Leite, vice-president of Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional, I.P. (IEFP) and Executive Coordinator of Axis 2 – Qualification and requalification, of  INCoDe.2030.

In this study, the goal is to identify: 30 non-ICT professions necessary to respond to the challenges and opportunities of some business sectors such as industry, commerce, services or tourism; which digital skills are needed to perform the functions that these professions are intended to guarantee; which competence units are needed to guarantee the formation of these digital competences; and what are the training paths in the digital area for each of the 30 identified jobs. Two pilot projects will also be developed (for a sector and a job).

At the closing of the session there was the delivery of certificates to the present members of Coligação Portuguesa para a Empregabilidade (CPED).