Portugal INCoDe.2030



The 2nd edition of the scholarship programme supported by INCoDe.2030 is launched

The 2nd edition of the scholarship programme supported by INCoDe.2030 is launched

The 2nd edition of Huawei’s scholarship programme, aimed at higher education students, is now open. INCoDe.2030 is one of the partners of this initiative, which will support a total of 50 male and female students in the areas of engineering and science, intending to award the same number of scholarships to girls and boys, thus promoting gender equality in ICT.

6th edition of the Engineers For A Day Programme is launched

On International Day of the Girl Child, which was celebrated on 11 October, the 6th edition of the Programme Engineers for a Day was launched, at the event “Shaping the Digital future”, which discussed issues such as the role of schools as agents of change for gender equality and how to attract and retain female talent in this area.

ISCTE hosts the Digital Skills Forum on October 24

The Digital Skills Forum will take place on the 24th of October, at ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, and will be attended by the Prime Minister, António Costa, and the Secretary of State for Digitization and Administrative Modernization, Mário Campolargo.